Monday, September 26, 2016

Cupcakes for my cutie!

This week, my oldest turns seven.

It doesn't matter that I can't believe she is going to be seven (didn't I just get talked into a c section with her, like, yesterday?!), she has been counting down the days pretty much since her sixth birthday.

So today, the festivities began.

She got to bring cupcakes to her dance class.

She is super into dinosaurs right now. So Kirby with KJ's Sweet Shop (, an awesome Arlington mama, whipped up some of the best cupcakes I've ever eaten (and trust me- I've eaten some cupcakes...) and topped them with the cutest edible dinosaurs! I've seen loads of Arlington moms raving about her on Facebook- so I had to check out her awesome creations for myself!

My girls called this a spinosaurus. I'm not sure if that's the correct name or not- but my girls assure me he was a yummy eat! (My middle daughter begged me for my dinosaur, and, well, she's not a kid I frequently say no to!)

So. Good.

Every single one of these delicious-looking little guys was devoured at dance class- by the kiddos and the adults! Both dance teachers raved about how good they were! And not a single bit made it into the garbage can, which is incredible, because I've never brought cupcakes or cakes to a kids party where I didn't toss more than a few non-eaten bits. Seriously. Every. Single. Bite. was enjoyed. That says a lot!

My oldest wanted half chocolate, half vanilla, so that's what she got! They were frosted with buttercream and chocolate frosting. They were so decadent and moist- nothing like the store-brand varieties I normally purchase for class handouts.

Aside from the taste- this woman is crazy talented. I mean, seriously talented. She is willing to design your cupcakes (or cakes) to your liking. I can't draw designs with chalk or crayons that she concocts with frosting. I'm blown away! I mean... Look at these cupcakes she showed off on her Facebook page!

Go like her page. Seriously. Go. Now. And look her up the next time you need cupcakes or cakes for anything- a baby shower, birthday party, bridal shower, etc. Or just buy a dozen cupcakes (a dozen cupcakes starts at $20) and shamelessly eat them. Because cupcakes.

Happy little customer...

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