Sunday, April 16, 2017

Summer Bodies Start Here

At least that the hashtag one of my girlfriends back home in Chicagoland uses for all of her fitness-related Insta posts. The delicious-looking salads, the top notch fitness gear, the after-work sweat sessions. And she has a seriously enviable figure, even after two kids. So, she's doing something right.

I'm four months postpartum now, and only six weeks from swimsuit season, so I've made myself get off the couch and start moving. And it hasn't been easy. Insert a cheesy motivation line right here...

Because I'm that person who uses pregnancy as an excuse to cultivate terrible habits. I have the second (or third) cupcake. I drink too many uncaffeinated yet disgustingly fattening beverages from Starbucks that have more calories than the average meal. I sit too much and move too little. I do what every dietitian, doctor and celebrity (I'm looking at you, Giselle) warns preggos against: using the inevitable weight gain as an excuse to, well, put on more weight.

I'm not a person who is naturally thin. My 5'8" frame (fine, 5'7 3/4") gains weight easily, and my 30s have not been so easy on these old love handles. I'm currently 40 lbs above the weight I was when I got pregnant the first time, and 30 lbs above the "I'm happy with myself and my body" weight. Between pregnancies, I've tried everything I can think of to take that weight off. I've tried every pill and wrap sold by the awesome mamas I know. I've tried every gimmicky diet and supplement promoted by celebrities and trainers and so on. I truly, seriously want to believe there is a shortcut out there. Sadly, though, I've discovered the only way to the body I want is to eat less and move more.

Before I had kids (that seems like a lifetime ago now), I was a distance runner. In fact, I completed the Chicago Marathon four months before finding out I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. So I'm no stranger to working out. It makes me feel better. It makes me look better. It makes my postpartum mood swings less frequent. Working out, as not fun as it can be, is something I truly enjoy, even if I only truly enjoy it from my couch afterward!

I just completed a month with Camp Gladiator and really enjoyed it! While I wasn't willing to drop my membership to LA Fitness that I've had for too long (and, sadly, have used too infrequently), I thought Camp Gladiator was an heart-pounding, sweat-inducing good time that allows campers to move at their own pace.

Turns out Camp Gladiator is just one of the awesome "boutique" workouts offered here in Arlington. We have everything from Hot Yoga to ballet-inspired sweat sessions to HIIT workouts that can get you on track to summertime confidence!

Your first reaction to a lot of these might be sticker shock. Mine was. But a friend, who direct sells pricey makeup, posted an e-card on Facebook last week that made me think twice. Although she used it to reference her makeup, I think it applies here too:

You spent $30 on your top and $45 on your jeans from a online boutique. Your wedges may be Target, but they still set you back $25. You spend $50 on a mani/pedi once a month and $200 on your hair every other month. And your bag... Well, we won't even go there. But you complain about spending $60 a month on a gym membership for the only body you're going to get and people see it every day...

Pure Barre
I tried Pure Barre when it first opened on Arlington's north side during my third pregnancy. Don't be fooled- ballerinas and dancers don't come by those amazing figures easily. Pure Barre uses small, controlled movements and body weight exercise to whip those muscles into shape. You start with a warm up, then move to the bar for arm exercises with weights. Then come the abs- oh man, the abs. If you want a six-pack, start here!

Bikram Yoga (Hot Yoga)
I'll admit- hot yoga is a bucket list item for me. I've never actually done it. I've done yoga all over DFW. I've done runner's yoga, prenatal yoga, yoga at designated yoga studios and yoga at my gym. I really, genuinely enjoy yoga. And hot yoga seems like something right up my alley. The idea of sweating out all the germs and toxicants in my skin while doing something great for my body is strangely appealing...

OrangeTheory Fitness
OrangeTheory is another bucket list workout for me. Located in the Highlands, OrangeTheory uses Interval training to spike your heart rate and keep you in a fat-burning zone for hours after you leave the gym. You are in and out in an hour. Different memberships and commitments available.

Camp Gladiator
Camp Gladiator is a bootcamp workout that works your whole body for an hour. Camps are all over the Arlington/Mansfield/Kennedale area and starting as early as 5:15a. The trainers are awesome- if you miss a workout, they are on you wondering why. Unlike at a gym, you are kept accountable here. and you can go as frequently as you want. Private Facebook pages for the various locations help you build a sense of community and encourage your fellow campers.

Poledancing Fitness 
While I haven't taken pole dancing fitness classes here in Arlington, I did give this workout a try years ago, in my younger (and wilder) days in Dallas. I can't even pretend this looks easy and is actually hard. It looks hard- and it is! You use a combination of gymnastics and dance movements to get your heart pumping. This is a great mood-boosting workout- and a great bachelorette party activity, as well!

Stroller Strides/Fit4Mom of Arlington/Mansfield 
Dying to get your body back but feel guilty leaving your little one (or ones) behind? Why not just bring them with you? Strap them in the stroller with a sippy cup and some goldfish and get your sweat on! Stroller Strides has classes 6 days a week that incorporate strength training and cardio into a fun routine that involves your kiddos! And Stroller Strides is so much more than just a workout- it's a community of awesome mamas who support and encourage one another!

So, cycling is not my thing. I've tried it, and... I can't get past how uncomfortable the seat is! But my sister loves cycling and does it several days a week. So... There is something to it! Cycling is so much harder than it looks- and I love that it is low impact on your body, making it great cardio for those whose bodies can't take the joint-pounding that comes with running and walking. Do not be fooled- cycling will give you a crazy-awesome cardio workout- and there is a dedicated studio in Mansfield right next to The Little Gym!

Surf's Up!
I'd heard of the Surfset workout previously, but I didn't know you could do it right here in Arlington! Engage your core, practice your balance and burn up to 800 calories in a workout! I may have to schedule a demo because, well, because I will probably never actually go surfing (it scares me- I've been to Hawaii twice and... Nope. Too scared.) in the water but the land seems like a far less-scary option! And if I can burn calories in the process? Totally winning!

The Y
Looking to workout at your own pace? The Y offers memberships that allow you to use to gym facilities as well as access all the awesomeness that is inexpensive kids camps and swim lessons! The gym is great if you have a program you love, or if you are looking to really just spend some time on the bike or elliptical.

I actually just restarted a program I can do from home or at the gym. It's a 12-week program by a young Aussie trainer that takes me 30 minutes three times per week. There are days I love it and days I hate it... but summer is coming and we have Hurricane Harbor passes, so... To the gym I will go!

(also- if you are looking at getting into running, I'm part of an amazing group here in Arlington that will keep you accountable and encourage and help you! Hit me up for details!)

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