Monday, January 3, 2022

The Journey : In the Beginning- An Immersive Christian Experience

Southlake has a new immersive experience!

From the producer: The Journey Dome has launched a Christian experience in Southlake, which will entertain, educate, and enlighten people of faith and people seeking clarity and guidance in life. Through state-of-the-art technology, The Journey allows the mind, body, and soul to journey through the stories and words of the Bible. The 50-foot diameter dome offers an immersive experience surrounded by high-resolution video and high-fidelity sound. With a run time of approximately 40 minutes, the presentations are family-friendly and suitable for people of all ages. Currently, there are two shows available for patrons -- "The Journey: In the Beginning” (covers the Creation, the Book of Jonah, and a Christian Reflection Prayer) and "Immanuel: The Nativity” (featuring immersion within ancient and contemporary oil paintings of the Annunciation, the Star of Bethlehem, and the Nativity). Additional shows will be added in the coming months.

The Journey Experience

Inside The Journey in Southlake, Texas.

Written by Guest Blogger Kara Roberson

Arriving at The Journey

We were not sure what to expect at The Journey Experience in Southlake. There is a small amount of parking spaces outside the dome and a parking garage right next to it. We arrived at the Journey 15 minutes early like the email said to do. They do close the door promptly at the show start time.

The Best Seats

There are four rows of bleachers, two rows of little round ottoman style stools and a row of pillows with arms to lay down on the floor. The best seat is laying down so that you can see the show more easily and don’t have to look up.

Watching The Journey.

The Journey Show

The video has a narrator talking through creation, Jonah, and has a meditation prayer at the end. There are many breathtaking images in the show. Some of the images get larger coming toward you, and because of the dome shape of the theater, it looks like things are coming right at you making it an immersive experience. The Bible is filled with stories that happened thousands of years ago, it is sometimes hard for us to imagine ourselves in their shoes, but this show does an excellent job of putting you in the action and making you feel like you are there. My nine-year-old and I loved it, but my seven-year-old was nervous at one point when it looked like we were going to fall off a cliff. Obviously, she really felt like she was actually there!

Some of the imagery you see during The Journey.

The Journey Prayer and Meditation

There were relaxing images and music as the narrator started the prayer time. He asked you to close your eyes and relax. He asks you to pray to God. I thought there might be someone there at the end to discuss a decision with you if you desired, but at the end, the doorman was the only one there. I enjoyed the show, and I was very glad that my kids experienced it, because it brought stories from the Bible to life for them.

Here are a few more reviews from Googler users. Let us know if you attended The Journey, and what you thought of the show!

The Journey Dome in Southlake.

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