Monday, August 22, 2016

Stuffed Closets? Unload Your Old Stuff For Cash!

If you are like me, you have loads of extra stuff hanging around your house. Honestly, I don’t even know where it all comes from. Having three girls, I have enough princess dresses to rival the Disney Store and more jeans and t-shirts than the local Gap. Sometimes, I need more cash and less stuff.
Luckily, we have lots of great shops in the area that will take your old clothes and pay you cash on the spot. Read on to find out how you can make some instant cash money for your old stuff!

Have gently-used kids’ stuff?

Tips to sell here:

Launder your clothes first- don’t bring in things with stains or holes.

Make sure all pieces of toys, puzzles, etc. are together. Skip bringing in broken toys.

Be ready to sell your items for very little. They buy with fixed prices- example- pants are worth $.50-$1 depending. Yes, even if they are brand name/designer/super expensive.

Little Giggles Resale (5904 S. Cooper St., Arlington) is my go-to spot to sell my girls’ old clothes. I love Little Giggles because they have a kids’ play area with Legos and a TV to entertain my monkeys while I browse and buyers shop through my items. Little Giggles take kids clothes up to size 16, as well as items such as strollers, bikes, dolls and toys. They will offer you cash on the spot for anything they buy, or you can get a higher return if you accept store credit in lieu of cash. This is great if you need more jeans, shoes, whatever for your growing kiddo! Little Giggles also sells new-with-tags dancewear and bows.

Kid To Kid (3500 S. Cooper St., Arlington) is another great spot to resell kids’ goods. It is similar to Little Giggles in most respects. Like Little Giggles, they also accept maternity wear! You can also buy brand uniform pieces, bows and dancewear. They, too, offer a higher return if you accept store credit instead of cash. They also have a coloring table at the back of the store to entertain kiddos while you wait on your buy!

Another great option for kids’ resale is Rhea Lana Consignment Sales. These sales are held in Mansfield a few times a year. The great part about consignment sales is that you set the price! You then bring home 60-70% of the selling price per item. This is especially great if you are like me and gravitate toward more expensive kids’ items (I used to work for True Religion and my girls literally have 5 pairs of jeans that cost AT LEAST $60… I probably shouldn’t admit that, huh?!). However, these sales only come around a few times a year, so if you have a pile of stuff filling up your formal dining (ahem, sorry husband, I’m working on that!), this isn’t the best option for you…

Have gently-used women’s (and men’s!) wear?

Plato’s Closet (5904 S. Cooper St., Arlington- just a few doors down from Little Giggles!) will buy your trendy shoes, handbags, jewelry and clothes for instant cash. Beware- they are super brand-conscious and want items that are 18 months old or newer. Also- think junior’s section for Plato’s Closet. Brands such as Ann Taylor and Banana Republic aren’t this store’s style, but if you have a closet full of Rue 21, Hollister and the like, this is your go-to store!

Hut No. 8 (121 W. Debbie Lane, Mansfield) is another awesome local option. They search for items similar to Plato’s Closet. They like brand name items, current trends and junior styles. Both Plato’s Closet and Hut No. 8 accept men’s clothes, too, that follow the same guidelines. Think Buckle, Abercrombie and H&M.

Sweet Repeat (2504 W. Park Row, Pantego) is a great place for your more-mature womens’ brands. This is a great place to sell those Banana dresses you can’t squeeze into anymore and Gap jeans that you just don’t love. They also have loads of trendy, new jewelry here to jazz up your outfits. They also accept handbags and shoes.

Rerun Consignment Boutique (3603 W. Park Row, Pantego) is the spot to drop your super high-end items. Think that DVF dress that never looked good on you, that Kate Spade bag you’re just not into anymore and those expensive wedges you just never wear. What sets this store apart from the others is that it’s a consignment shop- meaning cash isn’t instant. Whereas Plato’s Closet will buy your items outright, Reruns will take your items on consignment. You receive 40% of the selling price and get a check once a month. You must have 6 items to open a consignment account.

Sometimes I just can’t make myself drag my bags into stores because my items are older and buyers can be picky. If this is you- try a Buy-Sell-Trade site on Facebook! Or apps such as Offer Up or 5 Miles. The appeal of these apps is huge. Unlike these shops, where you need to have a large pile of stuff to make it worth the trip and you are paid a fixed price per item- on BST sites, you set your price! You can also move at your own pace! Have five items to list today? Do it! You can list 10 more tomorrow if you need to! You also aren’t limited to clothing. You can sell kitchen wares, furniture, you name it!

Now go purge those closets and make some money!

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